Monday, October 31, 2011

"Focusing" - The house in Clil

What better venue for a Focusing workshop?
The House in Clil, with it's pastoral surroundings, olive trees carobs wide open skies...  dirt roads leading to simple houses, yurts, and lovely angles to the meditteranian sea.
A delightful group of women gathered for this opportunity, for a weekend. Making food together and practicing the art of listening within.

Cease looking for flowers!
There blooms a garden in your own home.
While you look for trinkets                                      
The treasure house awaits you
in your own Being.

Focusing- Focusing is direct access to a bodily knowing.
As in ancient times, philosophy now has a practice derived from it.. and there, following the entry into the implicit, surprising new steps of change, thought, and action come about. 
Check the book "Focusing" by Eugine Gendlin. the focusing institute 
The root and influence on many new Psychotherapy techniques these last 20 years.

Chen Ein-Habar: Focusing instructor, 
Juditta Ben-David:Body oriented Psychotherapist, host and Mindfulness instructor.
for further information, we shall hold more weekends as such, and there is a monthly get together of Focusing practicioners for deepening insights.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Life Loss and the Unknown- Kibbutz Evron- fridays

Ajahn Amarro: "Let the mind and body assume the natural peace and ease that is the natural peace and ease that are the peace and ease of the natural body". Simple.

Inviting you for
5 fridays of contemplating inquring practicing how we meet fear, pain, impermanence, loss, grief
and how this affects our life.
How can these practices of loving kindness, compassion and equanimity benefit our life.
17/06, 29/07 , 19/08, 09/09, 28/10 09:30-12:00 Kibbutz Evron "Baderech"
Kati 0524-281134 for info

Pema chodron on Maitri

Honouring that present of Life :-) Precious human life.

Dana Based teaching - Juditta Ben-David,
70 shekel for the whole series (5 fridays) for the place.
Inquire with Kati about arriving for one friday if needed.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tel Chai- Trauma and Somatization, Istanbul- Trauma therapy

Dear ones
Just offered a day workshop at Tel Chai college, Israel-
Trauma and Somatization, which was well accepted and the group of students were alive with curious questions !
Then Istanbul, Turkey, assisted Beginning Somatic Experiencing at Bilgi University.
A delightful group of professionals, psychologists and therapists. Working with Dr. Diane Heller Poole, and her depth of clarity - so wise.