Friday, November 30, 2007

Winter workshops

Vibrational Healing
ריפוי בתדרים
A Day of Movement, Breath, Sound, and Rhythm
יום של תנועה, נשימה, קול, ומוסיקה
with Rhonda and Juditta
8th December
Ein Ayala Mama Dome, chof HaCarmel, near Zichron Yaakov
(see more info further down in Blog)
077-6639903 registration
052-6979456 directions

And we returned...
from Africa that is, and the ToWo projects' very first cooperation with rural women there. It was a big learning opportunity for all involved, a heart opening journey and challanging in many dimensions, and I am grateful for the possibility and the team that joined.
Trauma is an everyday life event in these lands, especially for the women, and we would like to make it possible to bring yet again this project to African rural women. For those interested: