Mikki and I offered a lovely three day workshop at the Israeli Clinical Psychologists Conference in Geinosar, and it was received with curiousity and genuine participation. Rave reviews. The name being: Surrender to the Now, when letting Go became letting Be. A workshop of Mindfulness and Presence through the Body, laced with discussions and theory for the practitioner.

"Your deepest Presence
is in every small
contracting and expanding.
The two as beautifully
balanced and coordinated
as Bird Wings"
as Bird Wings"
The Spiritual care givers course at the "Achva" foundation was delightful. There, in their year long course I offered three modules:
The Consultation/guidance relationship- tools for the practitioner,
Listening - the precious ingredient and How to be with,
Tuesdays with Morrie- the film and discussion.
And yet another year of teaching at Wingate Institute at the Holistic and Integrative Group Facilitators program has ended.. Whow.. Such a fruitful and strong year unfolded there. Two groups of intense students, a beautiful program based in experiential learning, mindfulness as well as critical thinking, amazing team of teachers, and honest personal Inquiry. We met for a semesterial course of Death and Dying- pain, loss and bearevement from a Buddhist eye.
Next year I have been asked to share also the module of Mindfulness. What a treat :-)
Looking forward to offer the taste of Presence Mindfulness and Psychotherapy in the north here as well as in South Africa and another European country that I shall share with you when it will be finalized. The teachings of Somatic Experiencing (SE) just deepening this subject even more. We shall also be offering two day SE workshops here and abroad, I shall keep you posted... with the help of some new assistants !! Many thanks to all those that support this work, Efrat and Amit, your help is appreciated greatly.
"only let the moving waters calm down
then the Sun and the Moon
will be reflected on the Surface of your-
J. Rumi