Offering fascinating in-depth Trauma therapy courses MBSE EFA_SE, Individual Body-oriented Psychotherapy, Breath days, Mindfulness oriented groups and Lectures. פסיכותרפיה באוריינטציה גופנית, טיפול בטראומה, הרצאות, קבוצות נשימה והנחיית מיינדפולנס/תשומת לב
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
Winter workshops

from Africa that is, and the ToWo projects' very first cooperation with rural women there. It was a big learning opportunity for all involved, a heart opening journey and challanging in many dimensions, and I am grateful for the possibility and the team that joined.
Trauma is an everyday life event in these lands, especially for the women, and we would like to make it possible to bring yet again this project to African rural women. For those interested:
Sunday, August 19, 2007
the Gap, Stillness, and Creativity... Breathe.. Eckhart Tolle
When you pay attention to those gaps, awareness of ‘'something' becomes - just awareness. The formless dimension of pure consciousness arises from within you and replaces identification with form.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
The ToWo Project
The Women in KwaZuluNatal want to document their life stories for local and international Lobbying, air their voices for their right on their bodies and property, they want to be able to heal their own and communities trauma so that they can create and take part in the new emerging Africa. We are also looking for media volunteers, second hand video cameras, and more in.... Media and Trauma Healing project, Israel-Africa.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Breath therapy- Training course- קורס למטפלים

Vibrational Healing

A Day of Movement, Breath, Sound, and Rhythm
ריפוי בתדרים
יום של תנועה, נשימה, קול, ומוסיקה
באמצעות הנשימה והצלילים, ננוע מעבר למה שידוע ומוכר, מעבר לשריון ולהתניות העבר. נשתמש בשירת חמשת צלילי התנועה, בנגינת הדידגי'רידו האוסטרלי, בקערות טיבטיות ותופים, ככלים שמשמשים שאמאנים אלפי שנים לפולחן וריפוי
באמצעות צליל, מוסיקה, תנועה וקול, אנו נוכחים ב"כאן ועכשיו" ,מבטאים את העצמי הפשוט ביותר באופן ספונטני ונהיים צינור לתפילה וקדושה. אנו נפתחים להקשבה ותשומת לב עמוקים ובכך נהיים מודעים לאמת כנה של עצמנו ושל הסובב
נפגוש את איכויות הריפוי של הקול כשער ללידה חדשה ובתוך כך נלמד ליישם את היצירה בקול כצליל ותנועה בחיים- כשער בזמני קושי, כאב, אושר, עונג, וכמובן בהריון ולידה. האנרגיה בעולם נמצאת בתנועה מתמדת, ואנו עשויים ממנה וככלי לה, האינטליגנציה נמצאת בנוזלי הגוף ואנו נכוונן ונזמן אליהם הדהודים ותדרים מרפאים ותומכים
Movement, Breath and Sound are the language of the body's intelligence,
Ein Ayala, Mama Dom, 6 hours in a special dome setting
Friday, February 16, 2007

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
February 2007, Breath Day and Therapists Course, Israel
The next one will take place in a beautiful Dom shaped tent, wood heated, in nature.
Ein Ayala, Israel.
Breath and the inner child.
For Instructions and Queries: Vered- 0546880078 , Ditta-
See TV caption here טלויזיה: פעם בחיים
Through the breath we learn to listen to our most innocent yearnings; We build trust and tolerance in the primal therapeutic forces within us. The recognition of these is a great power for human understanding and acceptance. In our bringing attentiveness to this simple yet powerful process, we allow our inner voices to integrate and transform, from a state of tension and defensiveness into a relaxed wakefulness in space.
"The Art of Breath enables us to get in touch, embrace, the essence of our Being and allows us to contact Joyfully the innate creative life quality that has been planted within each of us. "
Techniques taken from Body Oriented Psychotherapy, Buddhist meditation, Yoga, and Dance will accompany the journey.
This is a process of empowerment and honesty. Of gentle experiential inquiry into the regulation of our life energy, with heart.
JuDitta Ben-David
Specializes in Breath Therapy and has studied with great masters in the United States, Germany, Greece, Mexico and Israel. Ditta has an MA in Movement Therapy and Body Oriented Psychotherapy. Over the last 16 years she has practiced therapy, lectured, and facilitated group work, in “The Art of Breath", Buddhist Psychology, Therapeutic relationships and Expressive therapy in Israel, Greece and Germany. She has taught at Medissin, Reedman Colleges, is a lecturer at Lesley University; A seasoned student and instructor of Buddhist meditative techniques, as well as Dynamic body meditations. Over the last years, JuDitta's interest is in healing Trauma, especially with the SE technique. As a group facilitator, a meditator, and a Jazz singer, she brings forth a subtle quality of listening to personal voices and pathways, and to the sweet joys of the heart.
Ditta holds private clinic now in Dor, Clil, and the Old Jaffa.
We offer also BreathDays with Live music, a Treat !!!
Imagine expanding into the vibrations of Drums, Didg, and Tibetan Bowls..
Being cradled in the harmonies of Sarod, and angelic vocal overtones..
A small present for you, click here
*more in the next blog*